
Saturday, February 23, 2008

Cranberry Bogs: Good for the Environment, Good for Kids

The Family that Bogs Together, Stays Together

Actually, it's a pretty cool little premise: A.D.Makepeace, the cranberry company, wanted to preserve the land around its bogs so it has created alliances with various building companies to build eco-friendly neighborhoods, just inches from said bogs.

While at Conover Tuttle Pace, I got the chance to put together some newspaper ads and outdoor banners for the newest community, Kingsbury Hollow. Feast your eyes on some of the initial layouts with swipe photography. In the spirit of full disclosure, the copy here is all mine except for a few word changes in the body ("hidden" was substituted for "nestled" and the pricing information was added.)

Designs by Kelly Hollifield.

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