
Saturday, February 23, 2008

Cranberry Bogs: Good for the Environment, Good for Kids

The Family that Bogs Together, Stays Together

Actually, it's a pretty cool little premise: A.D.Makepeace, the cranberry company, wanted to preserve the land around its bogs so it has created alliances with various building companies to build eco-friendly neighborhoods, just inches from said bogs.

While at Conover Tuttle Pace, I got the chance to put together some newspaper ads and outdoor banners for the newest community, Kingsbury Hollow. Feast your eyes on some of the initial layouts with swipe photography. In the spirit of full disclosure, the copy here is all mine except for a few word changes in the body ("hidden" was substituted for "nestled" and the pricing information was added.)

Designs by Kelly Hollifield.

What's In? Why, Social Media is What's In!

Ah, yes. The long-awaited launch of the Marshalls/T.J.Maxx social media communities has occurred. What's In is set to take retail by storm!

Here's a little back story for you: a brilliant idea was hatched to create a social media site wherein Marshalls and T.J.Maxx customers could go into the store, spot a too-good-to-be-true find from a fabulous designer, take a picture of it with their cell phone and then upload it to the site to let fellow community members know that there's a fabulous [insert designer] [insert product] at the [insert city] Marshalls store! Plus, of course, members can create an online profile, post pictures of their favorite finds and ask and answer questions in forums.

How did this all come about, you ask? Frickin' hard work. Luckily for me, our dedicated team was very, very small. Luckily? Yes: I got to be intimately involved in everything from creating the site architecture to crafting all of the messaging. You know what, kids? Content strategy is tons of fun.

Here are a few screen shots from the site. (You can poke around it yourself at )

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Reebok, Real Estate and Really Good Banking

An update (on my lunch break) from the world of freelance: I'm just having an absolute ball. I've done some work for Carat for their redesign of the Reebok website and now I'm over at Conover Tuttle Pace working on print and interactive for A.D. Makepeace/Davenport's Kingsbury Hollow housing development in Carver and Eastern Bank radio spots. People here are very nice and, if I may just display a little wanton pride, I got a high five from Grant Pace (the Exec CD and Partner) for the Kingsbury Hollow lines.

I'll be sure to post the comps and scripts once the presentations to clients have occurred. I know, you want to see them now. And I'd love to accommodate you, but I'm certain I'm correct in assuming that both A.D.Makepeace and Eastern Bank executives are avid readers of my blog. Far be it from me to ruin the surprise.