
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Fortunate Writer in a Crummy Economy

Well friends, here they come: the updates to my portfolio I've been promising for nigh on a year. On the upside, my reason for being so negligent hasn't been that I haven't had anything to post, but, rather, I've been too damn busy working to share the fruits of my labor. Here, here, for freelance work! Huzzah!

So, over the next couple of days, I'll be posting a few select samples of the work I've done for last year's clients including Wilde Agency, SmarterTravel, Hasbro and...wait for it...Harlequin. Aaaaaaw yeeeeeeah.

Thanks for your patience (in my head, you've been feverishly checking back every few days) — it will be rewarded shortly.

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